· “It's time for us to position ourselves and rise up and take our place in Christ and influence this nation as we were called to do.”
· "We need God back at the center of our country."
· “I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk.”
· "The church is supposed to direct the government."
· “We need to be the party of nationalism and I’m a Christian, and I say it proudly, we should be Christian nationalists.”
· “This [Christian nationalism] will be the movement that stops the crime in our streets. This will be the movement that stops the sexual immorality.”
· "Men will respect you more and think of you much more highly than just a sexual object for gratification. It's also good to not tempt your Christian brothers and cause them to stumble."
A Match Made in…
The first four quotes above are from MAGA-obsessed Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert. The following three quotes are from MAGA-obsessed Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. At first glance, the two theocratic-leaning lawmakers would appear to be a match made in heaven, or at least somewhere to the right—the far, far right—of religious restraint … and sanity. Considering their similar stances, the two should be simpatico siblings, twin sisters from different mothers.
They should be—but they aren’t. They hate each other. Greene called Boebert “a little bitch.” And according to an April 2022 Politico article, their mutual loathing runs so deep that once the two had to be physically separated from engaging in a wrestling match.
Why the animosity between two congresswomen who claim to aspire to the same goal of Christian Nationalism? Pundits might point to their methodological, strategic differences. (I can barely believe I used those two modifiers when referring to these two dingbats.) And no doubt, those differences do play a part in their feud. But I suspect—and now I give the disclaimer that I am not a psychologist—that the true foundation of their hostility is their categorical correspondences. In their case, birds of a feather fight furiously.
While both Boebert and Greene love to proudly prance around on stages and platforms, advocating for a form of theocratic governance that forces strict forms of moral behavior on others, both also blatantly violate those same moral strictures.
Uniquely the Same
Boebert, who represents Colorado’s third congressional district, gained national attention in September 2023 for her escapades at a live performance of Beetlejuice in a Denver theater. After violating the venue’s smoking ban and engaging in a mutual fondling session with her date, Boebert cursed the theater’s employees as they escorted her out of the building. Such behavior was not new to the pompous politician. Combined, she, her former husband, and her teen son have an anaconda-size arrest rap sheet, long enough—if MAGA folks were to give a rip—to strangle the life out of her political future.
Meanwhile, the recently divorced Greene—who had at least two affairs while married to Perry Greene—now appears to be living with her new boyfriend, Brian Glenn. And Greene continues to rail hypocritically against transgenders and crossdressers even after photos made the rounds showing Glenn partying as a crossdresser.
This, of course, is the same Marjorie Taylor Greene, representing Georgia’s sixth congressional district, who claims to support Israel while simultaneously blaming wildfires in the USA on “space lasers” funded by the Rothschilds. Because, as all MAGA folks know, at the heart of all the world’s evils are “globalist Jews” like the Rothschilds and the Saruman of all globalists, George Soros.
Life in MAGA World
These bonkers bimbos want—or at least think they want—to impose a theocratic government on everyone living within the boundaries of this nation. They want to bring about a millennial kingdom—with Donald Trump as its messiah. Each in her own befuddled brain thinks a “return” to a mythical “Christian nation” will secure peace and prosperity for America. Yet they can’t—or won’t—even try to come together to broker a modicum of peace with each other. Life in MAGA world.